Società Indologica «Luigi Pio Tessitori»
Via Cantore, 47 - 33100 Udine (Italy)
GrammarThe first references on ancient Indian grammar were given by Louis Renou in his Bibliographie Védique (1931). The bibliography covers a period from 1805 to 1930, and the titles before 1805 are provided in annex. References appeared also inVedic Bibliography (1946-1993) by R.N. Dandekar. This work collects in five volumes the titles published between 1946 and 1993. The titles on grammar are listed in the sections 62-66, 75 in the first volume, and in the section 25 in the following four volumes. An exhaustive bibliography on the subject, with particular reference to Pāṇini’s grammar, was prepared later by George Cardona in his Pāṇini. A Survey of Research (1976). The work consists of three parts: bibliography in alphabetical order; survey with the different topics; notes and index. An updated edition of the survey has been presented by Cardona later with Recent Research in Pāṇinian Studies (1999). The volume follows the model adopted for the earlier survey: bibliography in alphabetical order of works published since 1975; new survey devoted to the different topics; notes and indexes. References to Indian grammar were also included in Bibliography of Indian Philosophies (1970), edited by Karl H. Potter, and in The Philosophy of the Grammarians (1990) edited by Harold G. Coward and K. Kunjunni Raja, which appeared as volume I and V of Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies respectively.