Società Indologica «Luigi Pio Tessitori»
Via Cantore, 47 - 33100 Udine (Italy)
MathematicsThe most comprehensive bibliography on ancient Indian sciences was prepared by David Pingree for the Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit (1970-1994), a work in five volumes with a large number of references to manuscripts, books and articles on astronomy, mathematics, astrology and divination. The Census was mentioned in Pingree’s Jyotiḥśāstra: Astral and Mathematical Literature (1981) as a source for information on texts, authors and related studies. An updated bibliography on Indian mathematics has been recently compiled by Kim Plofker in Mathematics in India (2009), as a continuation of Pingree's researches. The first bibliographical lists on ancient Indian mathematics were given by Louis Renou in Bibliographie Védique (1931) and by Ramchandra Narayan Dandekar in the monumentalVedic Bibliography (1946-1993).