Società Indologica «Luigi Pio Tessitori»
Via Cantore, 47 - 33100 Udine (Italy)
OverviewThe project aims to investigate the contributions of ancient Indian sciences to the fields of inquiry such as astronomy, linguistics, logic and mathematics. Over the past fifty years the topic has been explored by several scholars and numerous articles have been published in specialized journals. The first bibliographie raisonnée with references to works dealing with ancient Indian sciences was Bibliographie Védique (1931) by Louis Renou. This pioneering work was followed a few years later by Ramchandra Narayan Dandekar's Vedic Bibliography (1946-1993). Other bibliographies with references to ancient Indian sciences were included in Karl H. Potter's Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, I. Bibliography (1970), David Pingree's Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit (1970-1994), and George Cardona's Pāṇini: a survey of research (1976). In order to analyze the different approaches to the subject, an annotated bibliography with more than 3,000 references will be available online as a searchable database.